Yes, that is an American flag in the lower left-hand corner. That particular reveler was one of two Maltese girls dressed as American soldiers for Carnival, although I doubt real soldiers wear shorts quite that short (they're under the flag somewhere). Speaking of, it's probably like a felony to use the flag as part of a Carnival costume in the U.S., but hey, if there's one thing to like about the Maltese, it's that they like us. Another thing is the fact that they speak English. Now if only they had Starbucks they would be perfect!
By the way, there is a float coming through the historic gate of Valletta, the capital city. That's what the picture is actually of, but given that my camera batteries went out every three pictures, I wasn't at libery to get a better shot. So suck it up already and praise my innate photojournalistic skilz for accidentally getting a half-clothed American soldier in the shot as well!!
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