jeudi, janvier 20, 2005

Fun with Roget's!

January 18, 2005

John -------
VP Quality Assurance
Taser International, Inc.
7860 East McClain Drive, Suite #2
----------, -- -----

Dear Mr. -------:

I am writing to make a claim for the position of Technical Writer/Documentation Coordinator, which I exposed through your want ad in --- ------- --------. With my stout written communication and organizational skills as well as my encounters in editing, I am positive that I would offer the enlightening and idiot-proof information Taser is committed to bestowing.

As a most important editor with ---------- ---- --- ------, I ensured that the company’s offering circulars were effortlessly graspable, perfect, and frank. I consistently handed over high-class work on or ahead of time, balancing a workload of several ongoing schemes, and vying with additional work to make sure that our department was put out of misery before deadline.

As a Technical Writer/Documentation Coordinator with Taser, I would bring my experience in writing and bowdlerization, beefy organizational skills, and knack for coping with concurrent projects under a body-hugging deadline to your company. I look forward to speaking with you in the impending future regarding this chore. Please do not balk at contacting me should you have any further doubts.

From the bottom of my heart,
R----- ------


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