vendredi, janvier 07, 2005

My eye is twitching. Will I be able to get a job with a twitchy eye? Will they just sit there and look at the pulsating muscle beneath my lower eyelid instead of listening to my stellar qualifications and drinking in my lovable personality? I mean, not that I’m worried. I have stellar qualifications and a lovable personality, after all. But they may not be able to see it if my eye looks like it’s about to explode out of its socket.

So I only have 14 cover letters to go before I get an interview. I hear you have to send out 15 before you get a bite, so I feel like I’m well on my way. Unfortunately, I’m kind of at the point where I’m overqualified for jobs I don’t want to do and underqualified for all the cool stuff. Damn. I’m compensating for it by lowballing the competition. I’ll let you know how that works out.

But first things first. Tomorrow I will brave the snow-covered, treacherous mountainous pass from Colorado to Albuquerque to visit my new computer. (And my sister.) And I can’t tell you how excited I am to see my new computer (and my sister). I am so ready to have my own bookmarks. And My Documents that are actually mine! No more visiting boyfriend’s porn sites (TOTALLY BY MISTAKE), waiting til he finishes using it at 2 a.m. to write a cover letter/catch up on my the doings of my blog-twin (!!!), and no more floppy disks! (Yes, they still make them.) I will finally have my very own unfathomable, magical laptop computer. Praise be.

And then it is finally off to the promised land, aka Glendale, Arizona. Get ready people. You have four more days of winter.

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